The Family Tree of Ian Bennett

(Generated by mamFamilyTree)

William Badger332

(Father not listed) (Mother not listed)
William Badger
Georgiana Stopford-Taylor534
Charles Badger1876557
Eleanor Badger1878558
Harriet Badger1881559
William Badger1886560
Born 1853 Sheffield, Yorkshire
Married 1875 Sheffield
Died 1899 Chorlton, Lancashire

Acreman, Adams, Akers, Allden, Allingham, Almond, Andrews, Annis, Badger, Bailey, Bainbridge, Baldwyn, Barnforth, Bell, Bennett, Bennett-Sharpe, Blackwell, Bliss, Blows, Blowse, Boarder, Boddington, Booker, Botwright, Bowskill, Bradshaw, Branch, Bridge, Brooker, Brown, Budd, Bull, Bumstead, Burchett, Cannam, Capon, Cass, Catto, Chalk, Chandler, Channell, Chaplin, Chapman, Cheney, Chuter, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Coates, Cobby, Cockerill, Cole, Collen, Coom, Cooper, Copping, Cornforth, Cox, Cracknell, Croft, Crookenden, Crutchley, Cummings, Curd, Cuthbert, Cuthbertson, Davis, Davison, Davy, Deacon, Devitt, Dowle, Duern, Dumcon, Dunn, Dunning, Dunsmore, Eagar, Edmundson, Edney, Edwards, Elliker, Ellis, English, Evans, Farthing, Fenton, Field, Flavell, Forrester, Fossett, Foulsham, Fox, Fry, Gage, Garbutt, Gilbert, Girling, Goddard, Gordon, Gowson, Grant, Grey, Gurr, Haden, Hall, Halsey, Hampton, Hardwick, Harrison, Hartshorn, Hastings, Haswell, Hawkins, Helstrip, Hicks, Highwood, Hill, Hobday, Hoff, Hollick, Holliday, Holloway, Horner, Howard, Hunt, Hutchinson, Ivison, Jebson, Jennings, Jerome, Jimsboarder, Johnson, Keylougher, Kitcher, Kitchin, Knighton, Landells, Langstaff, Ledson, Leney, Lenton, Lethbridge, Lister, Littlefair, Loader, Longshaw, Lovegrove, Luck, Lycett, Madell, Margetson, Mason, Maw, May, Mayoss, Maytum, Moon, Moore, Morland, Mortimer, Neal, Newman, Nicholson, Nolloth, Norman, Nottage, Orchard, Page, Pallas, Pallister, Palmer, Parry, Patterson, Pay, Peacock, Phillips, Piggott, Pipe, Pittock, Plampin, Potten, Pountney, Powell, Randall, Ransdale, Raw, Reddecliffe, Richards, Richmond, Ridley, Robbins, Robinson, Rogers, Savage, Seale, Seall, Seeley, Sewell, Sharpe, Shettle, Shoebridge, Smiles, Smith, Spencer, Spooner, Stevens, Stoker, Stopford-Taylor, Stothard, Stracey, Sturdy, Tapley, Tee, Terrington, Thompson, Tubman, Tullett, Turley, Tyler, Vanherck, Voss, Wade, Waite, Waites, Walker, Waller, Wallis, Watson, Wellings, Wells, Westcott, Westmarland, Wheeler, White, Wickersham, Wickstead, Wild, Wilkinson, Willett, Willey, Williams, Wilson, Winspear, Witzleben, Wood, Woods, Wright, Wyatt, Wyman, Wynn